Monday, July 27, 2009

Something about you...

CLICK THIS: Ten Reasons Why People Fail

Now, I know you did not get the email from Tony with the back-story, so let me tell you generally what happened.

On Friday subscribers received a very revealing confession from Tony Camero about something quite personal. I'm not going to talk about that, but I know the content of his post is going to HIT HOME with each an every person that clicked on today's link.

Go read Tony's post: Ten Reasons Why People Fail
and then comment with your thoughts!

Wow, this is so exciting, I ALMOST FORGOT:

I have been hiding something from you for a while now. I want to share it today because I know this is going to be just what you'll want to be a part of, but... YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT JUST ONE MORE DAY.

Go check out his blog post: Ten Reasons Why People Fail and tomorrow I will finally invite you to kick the tires on our new project.

One more thing: I'd like to express my extreme gratitude for your attention today. I realize you could be anywhere right now, and you've chosen to be here, so thanks!

Until next time,

Eero Tunkelo