Thursday, September 29, 2005

Find Your Calling, Revisited

...You must exhale before you can inhale...

This is basically what Fred's 2nd installation to his Finding Your Calling piece at his blog is all about.

Give yourself a break and go check it out!


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Just How Practical is the Lazy Way to Success?

Hi all,

When you first heard about this new way of thinking and doing things in the Lazy Way, did you wonder if it's really doable in the 'real world'?

Is it actually possible to do less, work less, worry less, AND accomplish more?

We maintain that it most definitely is! And we're putting our mouths where our, um, honey is. :)

We convinced Fred Gratzon (author of the wildly popular Lazy Way to Success ebook) to answer just such questions from ordinary people who might still be wondering about how to apply the Lazy Way wisdom in their lives.

To see an excerpt from the bonus ebook that now comes free of charge with the LWS ebook, just click here.

Juho Tunkelo