Thursday, July 28, 2005

Some Career Math

While entrepreneurship is at the very core of the Lazy Way to Success, let's get into some interesting career math for a moment.

Let's say you're earning $25,000 per year working at a corporate job. You like the job because you're good at it and feel that you're doing a good job for the employer. Hence, your career prospects should be quite good. Yes?

Before you answer that, think of your peers occupying a managerial position and earning $250,000. Do they have 10 times the experience? OR.. working 10 times harder?

I would think you agree the answer is no, even in theory. The short answer to why those earning ten times more is: Smart Laziness. Quite literally: do less, earn more.

So what do you need to do to upgrade your career standing 10 times or more?
In another entry in a couple of days, we will get to all that...

Juho Tunkelo

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

We're working on a new bonus - get it for free!

Hi Lazy Success enthusiast,

We're working on a new bonus for the Lazy Way to Success ebook. It will contain practical real-life questions and situations with instructions on how to apply the Lazy Success in each tough situation.

If you want to be among the first ones to receive it, please post us (comment here or email) a concrete question and we'll email you the bonus ebook as soon as we complete it.

Best Success,

Eero Tunkelo

Monday, July 25, 2005

So How Do You Find Your OWN Success?

You know what typically happens when you talk to some poster-boy success story and ask about how they originally made their breakthrough?

After some prodding, every successful person VERY reluctantly, uncomfortably admits:
"I just happened to meet the right people..."
"I got some lucky breaks when I needed them..."
"I was just in the right place at the right time..."

Why are they embarrassed to admit this?
Because they don't want to give the impression they didn't WORK for their success!

Everybody works hard, right? That's a given.
Nope, so sorry. WRONG.
Those who are
living a life of continous success don't work. At all. EVER.

They would never admit it, because after all they DO a lot any given day. But the difference that matters is, they enjoy doing it!

Why do they enjoy it so much? Because they are so successful at it!
Can you see the kind of perpetual success this creates?

So what do you need to get started on YOUR success? You need to commit to it. To your success, to your goal, to your very quest.

This is a small example of the kind of startling, instantly usable common sense in action that the Lazy Way to Success is about. We practice it with relish every day.

Juho Tunkelo