The Greatest Seminar Ever?

It's time for a shameless plug from one of our dear friends!
<== That's Mark Luyk on the left, CEO of THINK! seminar
Well actually, this is no plug at all. It's a seminar where I will be at myself and will drag as many friends as possible with me. :)
So here it is:
The 2007 THINK! -- The Ultimate Success Seminar
This is one fantastic seminar that's all about creating personal success using the power of your mind, to create and attract anything you want!
If you look closely at the speaker lineup, you'll notice some familiar faces.
Not only is the Lazy Way To Success author Fred Gratzon there, so are the Law Of Attraction proponents Dr. Vitale and Bob Doyle, and many many others.
It is now entering the pre-launch phase, which will provide deep discount seats until the 1st of August 2006, or until 100 pre-launch seats are sold. Whichever comes first.
So hurry up to the site, grab all the freebies and get into it!
Juho Tunkelo
PS. If you decide to take Mark up on the pre-launch offer, use this coupon code for an additional discount: Juho30
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