The Simplest Secret To Good Luck
Well now. When it comes to success and good fortune, there are secrets and then there are secrets.
There are the ones that you find in book after book, the tips and the tactics etc. Regurgitate ad nauseam. You know what I mean -- goal-setting, getting all fired up, etc.
Then there are the ones that sound so simple, so elegant and deceivingly obvious that the vast majority will either pooh-pooh it as nonsense or miss the point entirely.
If you ever listened to copywriting legend Gary Halbert go on one of his famous rants, you know what I mean. :) The guy is leaving a trail of diamonds and people just step on them without noticing a thing.
NOW -- Fred Gratzon wrote about a special tactic of his that is giving him unparalleled results every time he uses it. Are you ready? Here it is: GO TO SLEEP BY 10 P.M.
How's that for a mind-bendingly clever little "trick", huh? You have no idea.. I'll spare you the speculation, you can go over to Fred's blog and read the comments yourself. I'll just say my experience backs up his 100%.
Here's a twist though.. my experience is that getting up early in the morning is
possibly even MORE important. How early is early? 7 a.m.? 6. a.m.? Try between 4 and 5. There is something quite magical about that hour of the day. Soak in it
and see ideas fly and things getting done before most people get up for
breakfast! Besides... when you get up that early, going to sleep by 10 p.m.
suddenly becomes quite automatic.. :)
Now, I'm way past my my bedtime so... :)
Juho Tunkelo
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